Saturday, July 21, 2007

A New Song

As I was on my way out to the camp Wednesday night, I had a great time alone with God. I sang and prayed and cried and sang some more. One of the songs that I played over and over again was this song from CFNI:

You're my beloved, you're my bride
To sing over you is my delight
Come away with me, my love

Under my mercy come and wait
Til we are standing face to face
I see no stain on you, my child
You're beautiful to me
So beautiful to me

I sing over you my song of peace
Cast all your cares down at my feet
Come and find your rest in me

I'll breathe my life inside of you
I'll bear you up on eagle's wings
And hide you in the shadow of my strength
I'll take you to my quiet waters
I'll restore your soul
Come rest in me and be made whole

You're my beloved, you're my bride
To sing over you is my delight
Come away with me, my love

1 comment:

kablot spot said...

Is that Brian Ming? The words sound familiar...