Monday, July 16, 2007

Before and After

No, girls, it isn't the reflection of the flash in my is my own abundant stash of silver. I thought I could live with it, but I can't. So, here are my before and after shots with my fresh "coat of paint."
Isn't it odd, though, that in the "before" picture, my eyes are distinctly blue and green, but in the "after" picture, you can't really tell. Yeah...I'm odd like that.


La said...

I had to really think about this. I finally realized you were talking about your hair, not your walls in the background. Maybe I should go back to bed.....

Oh, your hair looks good! =)

beautiful chaos said...

I love it! I would never have noticed... In fact, at first, I didn't notice... Thanks to La, I got it. (Remind me of this when I have to put on a "fresh coat")

marme said...

Looks great, but i kinda like the distinction of your incredible eyes! cool! it spurs me to call about an appt.

Meems said...

Got to love the age we live in. Lookin good. Although their is something about the salt and pepper look I like. Maybe it does bring out your eyes.

kj said...

you're totally hot both ways! love the eyes, and the silver, and the "paint", and...the walls?

crazy people! ;)

rhondamarie said...

i'm with ya sister...i get my fresh coat of paint on saturday