Tuesday, September 23, 2008

any thoughts?

Read this.

I was shocked, myself.

In case you are not familiar, these are some songs written and made popular by Ray Boltz:
Watch the Lamb
Shepherd Boy (When others see a shepherd boy, God may see a King)
The Anchor Holds
I Will Praise the Lord

Any thoughts?


chronicler said...

I heard about this last Monday at work...after we'd sung The Anchor Holds as a special Sunday night. Mr. Boltz said he finally chose to be true to himself. I wonder what ever happened to being true to God? I'm deeply grieved for this man, and for the Christians who have been broadsided by his announcement. There have been several prophetic words over the last year or so that state the Lord is going to shake us, and whatever can be shaken loose will be shaken loose. I think this is just another fulfillment...the church will be without spot or wrinkle.

April said...

Oh my. I don't have to elaborate. You can imagine what my thoughts are. So sad...

JAC said...

He really needs our prayers as well as his family. We don't need to shoot him while he's down, but uphold him with prayers and love. I believe we're going to hear lots more "shocking news" in these end times. God help us ALL.

Nanna's Place said...

Shocked to say the least....but we do need to pray not only for his family (4 kids later) and him, but also for those that would look at this and say "Christians are no different" and not want to follow Christ.

April said...

You may have already read this:
See third paragraph from the end on pg. 5. Covers us both, I think. I told my pastor about this today and he got sick... I agree we do need to pray for him, but prayer is different than tolerance.