Friday, September 14, 2007

Between the Garage Sale and the Blogging...

Somehow, my dog feels I am neglecting her and needs to be close to me...


beautiful chaos said...

I don't know what's funnier:
the dog or the fact that your Bible is your mousepad!!
I had to take a potty break I laughed so hard at all the aspects of that post!!!
You guys crack me up!
Hope all goes well tomorrow!!

kablot spot said...

kinda short on furniture...

Meems said...

I got up early to come to the gs. I was going to come before going to the dd that I skipped last week. It looks like J. is going to eat the morning away and I am going to have to route you guys on from afar.

Lord please bless the E's for their faithfulness. I pray that the gs would be fruitful and that everything will sell for a good price.

kdp said...

thanks for letting us have a sneak peek. i love all the beautiful things that somehow landed in my car. now every time i look at my wall, i can remember my sweet beautiful, wonderful friend.

Meems said...

You should give us a garage sale update.