Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Good Morning, Little Cup o' Joy!

When I first started this diet, I cut out real sugar and creamer in my coffee.

You would have thought that an event of catastrophic proportions had occurred.

Coffee and I had to rediscover our relationship with one another, for sure. In fact, it stopped being a daily part of my life because I didn't really find any satisfaction in it anymore...it didn't taste how I wanted it to taste.

When stopping at Starbucks, I had tried some of the sugar free syrups, and they were okay...I tried hot teas, and they are okay....then one day I tried just a plain, tall fat-free latte with two Splenda.


Did you hear the angels singing?
And sometimes I sprinkle a little cinnamon or chocolate powder on top for fun. It's so good!

But then, here comes Debbie Downer.....

Starbucks can get expensive.
I'm a college student....albeit an old one....but a poor college student, nonetheless. Out of convenience, I had started slipping back into using real creamer every now and then. I'm really trying to get off the last 15 pounds to reach my goal, so even though creamer doesn't seem like a big deal, I'm buckling down to make sure everything I do helps and not hinders.

Here's what I do:
My favorite coffee mug (thank you, Sweet Life Cafe SAF Ladies' Retreat 2010) is about 12 ounces.
I like my coffee on the sweeter side, so I pour about 1/4 cup skim milk, stir in 2 Splenda and a couple of dashes of cinnamon, and heat in the microwave for about 45 seconds, stirring it really well when it comes out.
Then I stir in my coffee until my mug is full!
My current favorite coffee is Starbucks Christmas blend.

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