Thursday, April 24, 2008

to the tune of the o.m. wiener song...

Oh, I wish I were an everyday cleaner
That is what I'd really like to be
For if I were an everyday cleaner
My free time would be spent less disgustedly

Okay, rhythmically not exactly to the tune of the O.M. Wiener song, but you get the point.

And not that you wanted to know all that, I'm just sayin'.....


kdp said...

Well here lately we have had to be an everyday cleaner. Selling a house I have decided is not that fun. If I have to tell the girls to rinse out the spit in the sink one more time, I think I will scream.
Maybe buying a house will be much better.
Hey are ya'll going to the wedding Friday night? We are and we are house hunting on Saturday with our realtor.
Love ya,

Meems said...

Great Song!!! Hopefully it doesn't get stuck in my head now.