I know none of you would ever let your kids do this....
It was pretty busy at work one Saturday afternoon a couple of weeks ago. I was checking out a lady when I heard something get knocked over, which happens all the time from all ages, I look up from the register to check it out. This kid, maybe four years old, is standing on top of one of our smaller fixtures, reaching over the chair displayed on top so that he could get to the telephone behind the chair. The telephone, by the way, is what fell. His grandmother went over, dragged him down, and sternly gave him the what-for. He started crying, and the next thing I heard was a loud, low, growly, "Don't talk to me like that!"
Grandma: "Sweetie, you can't do that."
Boy (still using demon voice): "You hurt my feelings!"
Grandma: "Honey, I'm sorry I hurt your feelings, but I was just so afraid you were going to get hurt."
Give me a freakin' break.
Today, a grandma, mom, and two kids came in to shop. When they came in, the kids each had those long, skinny brand new packages of sweet tarts. About the time they checked out, the packs were about 3/4 gone, and the sugar had definitely kicked in. The mom and grandma were talking, and, clearly, the little girl was trying to get her mom's attention.
Little girl: "Mommy. Mommy. Mommy. Mommy. Mommy. Mooomeeee. Mommy. Mommymommymommymommymommy. MMOOOMMMMEEEEEEE. Mommy. Mommy. Mommy. MOM. Mom. Moooom. Mommy. Mom. MOM. Mommy. Mommy.............MOMMY!"
Mom: "What, sweetie?"
Are you people trying to kill me???
MMMM...I think the activities from the dark side are going to become more pronounced and more visible in the future, visible especially to those who name the name of Jesus. And the war goes on...
I don't remember - was I at your store that day?????
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