Monday, February 16, 2009


This little picture describes me to a tee.

I'll laugh at something someone says that I think is funny, then I think to myself, "Self, did I understand that in the way that it was meant?"
Thus, the query, "Wait, what?"

And the pickings-on begin:
Are you sure you're not blonde?
Do you have blonde roots?
Look behind you, Teresa, the punchline just went over your head and hit the wall.

You get the picture.

Basically, I'm pretty naive, and it doesn't stop with the joke-telling. I take what people tell me at face value. If that's what you said, then that is what you mean. That's not to say that I don't pick up on sarcasm, implications, or can't tell when people aren't telling me the truth. I'm pretty keen on that now, but I think when I was younger the naitivity was much more prevailant.

With most of my friends I feel like myself and totally accepted. Then with others, I feel that their perception of me is skewed because they neither know me nor accept me, yet we've been "friends" for a long time. And then, there are yet others who I have been very close to, that have snowed me completely because I was so oblivious to things that were going on under my nose that they don't know I now know.
(Wow, that was a confusing statement!)

I promise, there is a point to all this....

I found myself upset over past situations that I felt like could have turned out differently had I reacted in a different way. I could have been more outgoing...bolder...more confident...not so quick to back down...too trusting...the list goes on and on.

After stewing over this, I heard the still, small voice that said, "Why do you question the way I made you? I made you the way you are to protect you."

He makes us the way we are to protect us.

He protects us from the things we don't see. He sheilds us from the fiery darts of the evil one by the way He made us to react...whether you are bold and confronting or naive and oblivious.

Then I was reminded of the scripture from the Whatever retreat:

"Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise." Phillipians 4:8

Vain imaginations....yeah....get me in trouble every time.

Thank you, Father, for the gentle reminder to keep my focus on you and what you would have me do today instead of trying to re-do all of my yesterdays.


Meems said...

I've had those same thoughts. Why didn't you make me this way, or why aren't I good at...

I think you hit it right on the head. He makes us the way we are and we just have to trust that he did it for a reason.

Accepting ourselves may be the hardest achievement in life.

JAC said...

You are one sweet girl - in my opinion and I love your smile and your voice. God has REALLY blessed you my darling. I DO miss you!