I have to say it is strange working part time for a company that I have worked full time for the last seven years. I am so used to being in the loop about everything! But I must say, I enjoy telling the manager on duty, "Ummm, you have a return!" IIIIIII don't have a return....YYYooouuuuu have a return! I LOVE that part! :)
School is going pretty well. I am taking biology, chemistry, intro to nursing, and a weight lifting class. Yes, I did say biology AND chemistry. I don't know what I was thinking. It's definitely keeping me on my toes. Thank the Lord they offer free tutoring!!! I like the weight lifting class. It's not a bulk muscle building class. Can you imagine??? It's just a weight training class, basically. Coach kicked our tails the other day, though. Out of the blue, he made us drop and give him ten. What was he thinking? Then, he says, when we are through with the ten, flip over and do ten crunches. When we were done with that, ten more push ups, and THEN ten more crunches. We were free to go after that. All of that was, of course, after our regular workout. As if we are supposed to be getting in shape or something. ;) Just kidding. I've enjoyed it...for the most part.
We spent Labor Day weekend at the PK retreat. This year it was done a little differently. Six other districts joined us for a regional PK retreat. Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nebraska, West Texas, and of course, North Texas all met at the youth camp in Maypearl. We had a really good time. Those kids are crazy! It's very relaxed. There is a schedule, but every minute isn't planned out in detail like camp usually is. Sunday we had a service at Southwestern. They fed us lunch and paid for all of us to go to Six Flags. Pretty cool!
OH! Dan and I have a new favorite treat. They opened up a Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory in our shopping center, and they have the BEST caramel apples. Not just your average caramel apple, as you can imagine, coming from a chocolate factory. YUMMY!!!
It is raining. I love it! It has slowed down now, but earlier it got pretty heavy. Just a good ol' thunderstorm. No hail or damaging winds or anything. Arlington got 2 3/4 inches in about three hours' time!
Well, that's about it for now. Have a great weekend everyone!
Funny. I can just picture the couch telling every one to workout bootcamp style. I've been wondering what you are going to school for. Nursing seems to fit you.
I'm glad to hear you like school! I've been considering starting some classes, but of course I would have to do it online. It seems like it would just be much more fun to go in person though!
I'm curious - could you do the push-ups and crunches??? I could have done the crunches but the push-ups would have killed me for sure. I would have been stuck in that class the rest of my life trying to do them!
I could do the crunches. There are three girls in our class with about 15 guys, so he cut the girls some slack and let us keep our knees on the ground for the push ups. It was still hard, though. ;)
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