I have a whole new perspective on that since last Tuesday.
Dan and I were headed home around 10:30 pm, after I had been to our church's ladies' meeting and then had coffee with some friends with Dan at Starbuck's. We live off of a two lane road, and we were just about a quarter of a mile from our turn off when we had an accident.
A young lady was traveling toward us, and for some reason, began to veer off her side of the road. Dan saw this happen, and not sure how she was going to react, he let off of the accelerator. All I heard him say was, "Oh, gosh," in a somber tone. I had my head down, looking at my phone, and when I looked up, all I saw was headlights coming straight at us.
Thankfully, God gave Dan the presence of mind to turn the wheel to the left as much as he could without sending us into a spin. She still hit the front of our vehicle, but not straight on. The front right side was hit. Our car stopped still, and she spun, going into the ditch and ending up facing the same direction we were facing.
Although Dan and I allowed the ambulance to take us to get checked out, when it was all said and done, all three of us walked away from that accident. Dan fractured his right hand and had to have glass dug out of it. Apparently, his hand made contact with the windshield on impact.
Both cars are totaled. Looking at the picture of our car, it doesn't look as bad as I remember it being. Still, all I see is head lights coming at us.
I've said this to a few friends, but I feel so strongly about it...
We all have those times in our lives when we feel like we are just beating a dead horse...questioning if what we are doing matters...if it's doing any good...God, did you really call me to do this?...was I just making it up in my head, the vision I thought was from You?
Then, something happens where the opportunity was ripe for your life to come to an end...and you LIVE!
All of the "what if's" and "it could have been's" DIDN'T happen, and God spared the lives of you, your husband, and a total stranger!
NO! You're not beating a dead horse!
YES! What you do matters!
YES! There is good coming from it, though you may not be able to see it right this very minute!
YES! The call of God is as real today as it was the day He first prompted you!
NO! It was not bad sushi, the vision that God gave to you! It is unique to you and the talents he gave solely to you!
And, thank you, Lord, for not being finished with my Dan and me, either.